Our Authors
The best authors in the Post Apocalypse genre in one place! We are here to share our stories, tips and time with you.
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Meet the Authors
P.A. Glaspy is a wife, mother, and grandmother who lives in Tennessee, very close to the Tennessee River.
Following the success of the A Powerless World Series, she is currently working on a new prepper fiction series, Perilous Miles. These books are not hardcore post-apocalyptic fiction. They are true prepper fiction, about everyday people who find themselves in extraordinary circumstances.
Ginger Booth is a writer and programmer. She's worked in the seismic industry, semiconductor electronics, academic research in biology and environmental science, and online teaching simulators. She lives in shoreline Connecticut, with crops spilling out the balconies and down the driveway.
In 2018, Dorene saw a void in the Post Apocalyptic genre. She noticed that there were very few books that showed strong women facing the end of the world. She decided to fill that void.
'Allison's Secret' is the story of how one farm wife survives the end of her world. The Allison series is considered 'soft apocalyptic'. Not as hard core as many apocalyptic titles, but still packed with action and adventure - as well as helpful advice.
I spend my days writing apocalyptic and dystopian fiction novels. Because what's more fun than imagining the end of the world from the comfort of your couch?
I love writing stories exploring how ordinary people cope with extraordinary circumstances, especially situations where the normal comforts, conveniences, and rules are stripped away.
When I'm not writing, you can find me practicing at the range with my Springfield XDS or shopping for cool new gear for my bugout bag. You may find me hiking to a waterfall in the Smokies, traveling to far-flung locations, or jumping out of a plane (parachute included)!
DJ Cooper is a prominent author of the apocalypse with her Dystopia series of books and other works.
Currently, a student at Southern New Hampshire University studying for a Master of Fine Arts in English & Creative Writing.
She spends time working with other indie authors and in the preparedness community with Prepper Podcast she is the Executive Producer, host of Surviving Dystopia, and The Written Apocalypse. Founder and CEO of Angry Eagle Publishing and POSH Media, she works to bring knowledge through varied forms of media.
Christine Conaway was born in Victoria British Columbia Canada in 1952. She met and married her husband, became a permanent resident of the U.S. and moved aboard a sailboat for the first time ever in 1992.
A life-time of outdoor occupations has kept her in touch with the great outdoors. A race horse-trainer/groom, and a driver of semi trucks were her occupations of past.
Perilous Journey, her first book was written somewhere between Seattle and Miami from the passenger seat of her husbands semi.
She is the proud Mother of three children, two who have made the military their careers and the grandmother to five Grandchildren.
Chris Pike grew up in the woodlands of central Texas and along the Texas Gulf Coast, fishing, hiking, camping, and dodging hurricanes and tropical storms. Chris has learned that the power of Mother Nature is daunting, from floods to category five hurricanes, to slippery ice or desert conditions. It pays to be prepared.
Kate lives on a small farm in Ohio with her ex-Army husband where she tends a shabby garden, enjoys her horses and spends down-time target shooting with her peeps.
She is a huge supporter of the U.S. Armed Forces and encourages her fans to check out Ranger Up.com and Wounded Warrior.com.
I started writing in kindergarten and dabbled in putting my stories onto paper for a scholarship here and a writing award there. It took me over a decade to finish my first novel and in my mid-forties, I finally got serious and started my Combat series, finishing a book every couple of months. I hope you enjoy them.
Tara Ellis, an Amazon best selling author, enjoys the quiet lifestyle with her two grown kids and small dogs.
Tara was a firefighter/EMT, and worked in the medical field for many years, before committing herself to writing young adult and middle grade novels (almost) full-time.
She grew up on sci-fi, and has since found a love for conspiracy theories. This background, combined with a wild imagination, has led to The Forgotten Origins Trilogy. The first book in the series, Infected, was a finalist in the IAN 2015 Book of the Year Awards, was awarded Honorable Mention in the 2015 Reader's Favorite Book Awards, and voted as 'Top 50 Indie Books of 2014'. (readfreely.com)
Born in Florida, raised on sunshine and bug spray, I began writing children's chapter books (like MOONCALF, a finalist for the Space Coast Writers' Guild DON ARGO AWARD) to inspirational books (like THE LONG-PROMISED SONG) and to a young adult survival series (BEYOND THE STRANDLINE BOOK I and FOLLOWING THE STRANDLINE BOOK II) to my latest and first rural contemporary fantasy (THE GRYPHON'S GLADE, winner of the 2018 DON ARGO AWARD, Excellence in Florida Based Literature)..

Coming soon
We are always on the lookout for new authors to join our group.